Adjustments should be made to these IT spending numbers by shifting the spending figures on a yearly basis after closely evaluating the key IT performance metrics in a micro and macro environment to achieve cost optimisation for the business. The bottom line is that the CIO should be able to show that with the investment in IT that he is proposing, the company will achieve a lower overall expense in the future. IT spending per worker seems to be more consistent but still widely variable. What is always true is that there will be IT spend that can be cut or avoided but at what cost increase in either future years or recovering from a data disaster.
Benchmarking is a way of learning from other organisations. Comparing to external benchmarks is a healthy exercise and positions the CIO as a critical thinker who assesses the company from both an internal and external perspective. Tangible benefits can also be realised. But it is not to construct measures to beat the internal organisation into submission. Sadly such crude measures have led organisations to make decisions that are based on short-term cost savings that lead to higher costs downstream or even worse, loss of competitive position.
Most CEO & CFO are interested in benchmark data to validate and support their decisions. So even if your CEO loves what you are doing for them with your IT spend, there is still value in analysing the IT spend benchmarks. It can be a valuable tool for discussing the value of IT with senior management. If your spend is higher than the benchmark, you should be able to articulate why.
It’s about spending the money right, and getting the right results. You should not spend to meet a budget, nor should you avoid spending to stay within a budget. You should spend to make a return. Assuming a proper business case is involved with each IT project, the answer to the question of "how much" becomes "however much makes business sense". If done properly, IT investments save the business money through improved efficiencies and better service.
120 Delta Park Industrial Estate, #3,
Millmarsh Lane,
120 Delta Park Industrial Estate, #3,
Millmarsh Lane,